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Microneedling is an advanced technique of introducing serum nutrients into the skin. Microneedling can be an alternative to dermal fillers in some cases. It is not an injection, but instead uses a device with multiple tiny needles to create microscopic openings in the skin. These openings provide a clearer channel for the skin to better absorb hyaluronic acid, platelet rich plasma (PRP)  or other healing nutrient serums. Hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in the body, has an anti-aging effect.


Microneedling therapy


also promotes the production of collagen and elastin for an overall improvement in the appearance of your skin that continues for a period of months after your sessions.

This skin rejuvenation technique is especially advantageous for patients with darker skin since it does not use laser light that can sometimes cause hypopigmentation.



Microneedling Therapy Results


What can Microneedling Therapy do for you?


  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improve the appearance of stretch marks

  • Smooth scars, including acne scars

  • Reduce dark spots and promote more even skin tone



Your Microneedling Therapy Session


We will consult with you to determine if Microneedling Therapy or another procedure is best to bring you the results you want. The treatment is often a great complement to other procedures that we offer.

The treatment takes approximately 1 hour including the topical anesthetic setting time. Most people will benefit from 3-6 appointments every 2-4 weeks.

Microneedling uses very tiny needles, so it isn’t excessively painful. We will apply a topical numbing cream to your skin prior to applying the device in order to keep any discomfort to a minimum.


Microneedling Therapy Recovery


One of the benefits of Microneedling Therapy is that your skin is glowing almost immediately. For most patients, any post-treatment redness and/or soreness resolve within a few hours. Some people find that their skin remains a bit pink for a few days, however.


How long do Microneedling Therapy results last?


Every patient is different, so the length of time results last will vary. For many patients, the effects of a series of treatments last longer than a year.




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